One of the most remarkable indicators of the world's transformation lies in our methods of measurement.
In the past, we relied on rough approximations when gauging length and time.

Today, these measurements are anchored in the precise and unchanging hyperfine transition frequency of the cesium-133 atom's unperturbed ground state.
The primary and unmistakable inference is that civilization has undergone a fundamental shift away from its agricultural roots. Many historical measurements, whether of time or distance, were linked to the natural world and life in rural settings.
For instance, an acre originally represented the amount of land that a team of oxen could plow in a day. Likewise, the barleycorn's measurement speaks for itself. Such associations made sense because, for the majority of human history, the vast population toiled in agriculture. However, we now inhabit an industrial society, rendering these measures meaningless to most.
A secondary conclusion is the heightened interconnectedness of our world. In the past, when constructing a cathedral, it was crucial for all parties involved to employ consistent inches, feet, and yards. Yet there was no compelling reason for measurements to be standardized across different countries, and even if such a need arose, enforcing or maintaining it proved challenging. As recently as the 19th century, perplexing conversion charts existed in trade and commerce due to each nation having its slightly different inch standard.
Historically, measurements varied not only from country to country but also from city to city, and even the duration of hours differed between places. This disparity was acceptable because there were no 4:30 pm ET Zoom meetings. Tasks aligned with the seasons and the needs of animals and crops, with nature dictating labor schedules, not managers.
However, standardization is an inevitable component of both industrialization and globalization. Our modern economic system hinges on precise timekeeping methods. For instance, time zones were introduced after the advent of trains to avert transportation mayhem. With goods traversing the globe, standardized measurements are now indispensable. Enter the International System of Units (SI), the world's official measurement system. What was once an abstract concept—the "second"—now boasts a globally recognized, legally enforced definition:
"The second is defined as the fixed numerical value of the cesium frequency ∆ν, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the cesium-133 atom, equal to 9,192,631,770 Hz, or s−1."
Consequently, a third conclusion arises: we are increasingly reliant on technology. While this may be common knowledge, the shift in measurement methods underscores this fact. Five centuries ago, such pinpoint accuracy was inconceivable and unnecessary. In today's world of global computer networks, nuclear reactors, and satellites, precision is absolutely indispensable.
Over recent decades, our approach to measuring and quantifying the world has distanced itself further from our everyday experiences and drawn nearer to concepts beyond the comprehension of the average person. Where measurements were once rooted in parts of the human body or estimations of familiar objects, they now rely on cutting-edge scientific instruments.
This brings us to a critical point: SI measurements are not intended for humans but for the systems and machines we utilize—the very systems and machines that have freed us from the need for everyone to toil in the fields.
Something to add:

The Baktun is one of the most significant and longest units within the Mayan Long Count calendar. It represents a period of 20 katuns, with each katun being 7,200 days long.
Therefore, a single Baktun consists of 144,000 days, which is approximately 394.26 years. The 13th Baktun of the Mayan Long Count calendar famously ended on December 21, 2012.
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